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The Impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQIA+ Individuals’ Technology Use to Seek Health Information and Services


To investigate the technologies used by LGBTQIA+ individuals to manage their health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on how they used technology to find health information, seek health services, and interact with their providers. The challenges and barriers that LGBTQIA+ respondents experienced when accessing health information and services during the pandemic were also identified, along with how these challenges may be alleviated through new or improved technological and non-technological solutions.

Who I worked with:
Supervisor (feedback)

My Role:
UX Research

Research Methods:
Secondary Research

Tools Used:
MS Excel
MS Word



Exploring COVID-19's Impact on the General Population of the United States.

I began a search to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the general population in terms of health care accessibility and experience.  This data would be used as a comparison to our LGBTQIA+ participants experience during the pandemic.  Some matching data points were a struggle to find as the pandemic was still relatively new.

Design Research


Understanding the LGBTQIA+ Individual's Health Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic

I conducted an online survey using Qualtrics Software between November 2020 and May 2021 to acquire a better understanding of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on LGBTQIA+ individuals’ use of technology for interacting with their health care professionals and seeking health information and services. 

Due to restraints enacted by the University I participants were recruited through direct emails and digital flyers posted on local, university, regional, and national LGBTQIA+ organizations’, centers’, clubs’, and support groups’ websites, social media platforms and newsletters across the United States. There were 155 completed surveys.


Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from respondents over the age of 18 and self-identified as LGBTQIA+. Questions relating to their health information seeking behaviors, mental health and primary care access in relation to the pandemic and technology use were investigated. Not all questions were answered by each participant; questions may have been skipped based on their earlier responses.



COVID-19 restrictions enacted by the university limited my methods for recruiting and research to virtual only. This impacted my results as only those with Internet access and who were comfortable to participate in a Zoom interview participated. 


I did not limit respondents to the United States and I did not collect location in the survey, which I later regretted. Qualtrics collected the IP country of origin but that may not accurate due to VPNs and other things that may distort location. I did collect this information in the interviews.

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What did we find that could improve health information and services access for the LGBTQIA+ community?

The LGBTQIA+ respondents experienced a significant increase in health disparities due to COVID-19 including:

  • Heavier impact on their mental health

  • Change in health information seeking behaviors and information sought

  • Reduced access to health information, services and prescription medications

  • Health care accessibility does not commensurate with premium insurance rates

  • Accessibility further limited by a lack of inclusiveness in health care settings

  • More virtual appointments with lower satisfaction

  • Increased reliance on non-public transportation


The sociotechnical implications and actionable insights of the research are:

  • Timely tech support for both providers and patients

  • Multiple platform options should be provided

  • Decrease virtual appointment wait times

  • Game activities or educational information available in virtual waiting room

  • Improve access to care during pandemic

  • Improve provider outreach to patients

  • More post-appointment follow-up calls


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